As we travel through life, we all face a few rocks on the path: feeling distant from God, confusion about what we really want, relationship conflicts, or old patterns of shame or blame to name a few.

Before taking his journey in ancient times, the brother of Jared went to a mountain in search of another kind of rock – clear white stones that God could make shine in the dark. Before we can continue our journey, we too need light in order to move forward with confidence. Sixteen Stones one-day seminar-retreats draw on gospel principles and psychological research to help you break out of stuck places, imagine new possibilities, and cast a light onto your future.
We are mental health professionals and educators dedicated to helping LDS women and their loved ones develop resilience, insight, and faith for their personal journeys. We unite our professional training and experience as counselors, consultants, and psychologists with a gospel perspective to create a safe and respectful small-group environment for personal discovery and growth.*
Our seminar-retreats can help you to mine – from the dense rock of your hidden wisdom and inner resources – something Jesus Christ can touch with His light.
Join us soon for a remarkable day of personal growth and discovery!
*Our retreats are designed only to facilitate personal development and education and not to diagnose, treat, or manage any mental illness.
Carrie Skarda’s new book and guest broadcasts:
The Power of Stillness

Jacob Hess and Carrie Skarda’s popular book, The Power of Stillness, brought mindfulness into the mainstream of Latter-day Saint spirituality and worship, reminding us not to miss the deep, rich spiritual power that can come from being still. Using Latter-day Saint vernacular and examples, The Power of Stillness explored how mindfulness can deepen testimonies of the gospel.
Their new book, The Practice of Stillness offers simple, practical ways to add a more peaceful perspective to our daily lives. Practicing mindfulness principles can reinvigorate the joy inherent in our faith and help us feel more calm, present, and engaged in life and more spiritually connected to our Savior.
Recent Guest Podcasts:
- Out of the Best Books: Mindfulness in Worship with Carrie Skarda and Jacob Hess (YouTube)
- Magnify: We Can Find Joy Now! (YouTube)
- Magnify: Taking Hold of the Stillness Already in Your Life (YouTube)
- Latter-day Saint Women podcast: “Mindfulness: Learning to Pause and Hear Him”
- Healing with WORTH podcast: “The Power of Being Still” (#84)
- Owltail Podcast, “The Power of Being Still, Parts 1 and 2
- LDS Living Article on the Word of Wisdom
For more visit Carrie’s website.
Wendy Ulrich’s latest book, talks, and guest podcasts:
Live Up to Our Privileges
Prophets and apostles assure us that women as well as men can serve in the Church, the temple, and the family with priesthood authority and power. We can act within priesthood authority to fulfill our individual callings, help save the human family, and participate in all the work of the priesthood. Through the grace of Jesus Christ and the gifts of the Holy Ghost, we can also grow in priesthood power to develop spiritual skills, create Zion communities, and build faith and commitment in the rising generation.
What’s more, the very promises made by oath and covenant to those who bear the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods were extended by Joseph Smith to the Relief Society sisters. Organizing them “after the pattern of the priesthood,” he promised: “If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates….[You] can come in the presence of God.” These promises and privileges are ours.
Recent From Wendy:
- Follow Him: Doctrine and Covenants 12-17, Part 1 – Women and the Priesthood (Youtube)
- Follow Him: Doctrine and Covenants 12-17, Part 2 – Touched by an Angel (YouTube)
- All In: How God Expects Women to Use Priesthood Power (YouTube)
- Magnify: Making the Temple a More Intentional and Healing Experience
- Northstar Conference 2024: Faith to Move Mountains (keynote) (YouTube)
- FAIR #45: Women, Men, and Priesthood Power (YouTube)
- Latter-day Saint Women: Finding Hope in Uncertainty