Doesn’t it feel good to go outside for a walk?

When people ask what a Sixteen Stones seminar-retreat is like, we think of leaving desk or kitchen, putting on a jacket, and heading out the door on a crisp fall day. Not to train for a marathon. Not to run an errand. Just to walk. To take in the beauty of leaves and clouds and to get grounded again.
Many of us don’t take that time often enough. Sometimes it’s a relationship challenge we stew in too long without getting any fresh air. Sometimes it’s a loss we can’t resolve or a regret we can’t release that keeps us from putting one foot in front of the other. And sometimes fear or disappointment weighs so heavily we’re a little afraid to be alone with our thoughts and our tennis shoes.
We created Sixteen Stones because we’ve learned to value pulling off the expressway we call life to take a good look at the GPS. Or maybe to follow that marker beckoning, “Scenic overlook ahead.” Without the mesmerizing hum of our ever-running engine, it’s a little easier to hear the call of the Wind and notice which way it’s blowing.

Sixteen Stones is a small group of mental health educators experienced in helping people grow and change. We designed Sixteen Stones for ordinary people struggling with challenges like forgiving, finding a purpose, coping with regrets, facing disappointment, or building more satisfying relationships. We draw on the timeless principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, some of the best research in psychology, and our own experience as counselors, consultants, psychologists and run-of-the-mill human beings to create a safe, respectful place for you to take a walk with your soul and see what it has to say.
We’ll surround you with trees and wildlife, settle you in with a fireplace or a cool fountain, and treat you to safety, respect, and good food. We’ll suggest questions to ponder and concrete tools to help you imagine the future and make sense of the past. And whether you want a little more support or more personal space, we’ll listen.
One of our favorite things about Sixteen Stones is something called a sandtray. A sandtray is a way to find out what your hands know that your brain hasn’t yet caught on to. It is a simple way for people (even utterly unadventurous people with no artistic talent) to let the part of the brain that doesn’t use words express its wisdom about where we are stuck, why, and what we might do about it. Occasionally sandtrays are not someone’s cup of tea, so we offer a variety of learning tools at every seminar-retreat. But most people find sandtrays amazingly thought-provoking – and really fun. After all, when was the last time you got to just play in the sand?
What to expect
At our retreats you will come to a homey, park-like setting for a day-long event with lunch included. After introductions, we will begin our exploration of the topic at hand using presentations, handouts, discussion, and sandtray. There will be time for personal reflection and individual guidance on your issue (if you desire). Your personal safety and comfort are our priority, and you are never expected to share with the group or the facilitator more than you wish to. You won’t be required to do anything you don’t want to do, and there are spots for private reflection if you need a little time away from the group. Most people go home with significant insight into the issue they came to explore, some specific action steps or ideas for the future, a few new friends they won’t forget, and a brighter sense of hope and self-compassion.